
An image of a Currawong in a tree taken in Cradle Mountian

Currawongs of Brisbane SE QLD


1m 1s

A sample recording of the local Currawongs behind my house. Recorded on my new Zoom h5 and NTG2 microphone.

A quick screenshot of the beggining of the Paper Prototyping tutorial

Paper Protoytping Tutorial


6m 23s

A video I recorded circa 2008 showing a brief intoduction to paper prototyping

A new view of the Brisbane City scape taken from part of the second version of the auto taker

Brisbane City Timelapse 2014


2m 9s

A comparitive video showing the second iteration of the arduino auto taker. This version solved the not-adjusting-apeture bug with much nicer results.

The pictures were again taken at the top of Kangaroo Point Cliffs although this time the focus was pulled back to 18mm. The shoot started at 17:37 and finished at 19:54.

A from the the Code Swarm of the MetAcity 2006 to 2014 SVN/Git repos

Code Swarm of theMetaCity 2006-2014


11m 26s

theMetaCity was started as a student project in 2006 and has evolved greatly in the 8 years since then.

This video uses Peter Burn's fork of Code Swarm to visualise this journey form some shitty JSP code and SVN to slightly less shitty JSP code and Git.

Found Malware Decode Poster

Found malware decode


1m 30s

I found some malware at work and went about de-obfuscate it.

This video was as much a test of the built in cinnamon screen recording software as it was an interesting little project.

A nice view of the central bouldering rock, with climbers on it.

QLD state bouldering comp 2013 timelapse


1m 46s

A timelapse of the 2013 Queensland State Bouldering Championships held at Urban Climb, West End on 13-14 July 2013.

In case you were wondering I cam in the top 10% of people that made the top 90% possible.

The amount of chalk in the air was quite amazing.

A view of the Brisbane City scape taken from the top of the KP cliffs taken form the first iteration of the auto taker

Brisbane City Timelapse 2011


0m 45s

A Video produced to show off the first iteration of the Canon 400D auto taker detailed here .

The original photos were taken on 27/2/2011 form the top of the Kangaroo Point Cliffs in Brisbane, Australia using a 50mm prime lens. The shoot started at 6:00pm and finished at 7:42pm.